Author Archives: Guan Mu
这是 SDA 2012 滑板板面艺术展的最后一站,展览在 Wieden+Kennedy 上海公司楼下的展厅展出。本次从SDA2012的30多块参展作品中精选了12块滑板作品, 另外W+K的创意团队也为展览特别设计了6块全新艺术滑板。
The final stop of SDA (Skate Deck Art) 2012. The show was put in the advertising agency WK Shanghai’s gallery space on the first floor of their office. We picked 12 skate decks to show and the WK creative team also specially designed 6 decks for the show.
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SDA 2012 W+K
这是 SDA 2012 滑板板面艺术展的倒数第二站,展览在上海著名潮流店铺 Source 二楼的画廊展出。共展示了来自全球31位艺术家的34块滑板艺术作品。
The penultimate stop of SDA (Skate Deck Art) 2012. The show was put in the Source’s gallery with our sponsor Skullcandy’s mini popup store. We showed all the 34 art decks by 32 artists from all over the world.
SDA 2012 Source
“芬兰革新设计周”的赞助商之一 – 芬兰航空公司 为我们在赫尔辛基机场拍摄的一段宣传视频.
Mr. and Mrs. Zan, the design ambassadors of Radical Design Week, visited Finland this August. Flying with Finnair from Shanghai to Helsinki and thereafter to Rovaniemi they saw the whole cavalcade of Finnish design. At the beautiful Helsinki-Vantaa airport they got to experience the Finnair and Suvanto Lounges, and got to shop for Marimekko, Iittala and Angry Birds. Check out their journey!
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我和我太太全珊珊非常荣幸的被选中作为 “2012芬兰革新设计周” 的设计大使在8月前往芬兰参观,交流.这是活动之初的一段简单自我介绍视频.
Shanshan and I are proudly to be a part of “2012 Finland Radical Design Week” as “Mr. & Mrs. Zan”
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专访香港滑板教父 Warren R.M. Stuart, 给大家讲述香港滑板场的前世今生。刊登在 WHATSUP 滑板杂志上。
Interview the godfather of Hong Kong skateboarding – Warren R.M. Stuart, tell you the story behind Hong Kong skateparks.
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Hong Kong Skatepark
CHALLENGE SKATEBOARDS SDA 2012 Skate Deck Art – customized collectibles presented by Skullcandy. Shanghai Party & TWS “THE CINEMATOGRAPHER PROJECT” premiere party – Skullcandy Office, July 25.
沸点滑板SDA 2012滑板板面艺术—定制收藏系列由Skullcandy为您呈现,上海盛大PARTY暨TWS首映PARTY—Skullcandy办公室 7月25日顺利举办.
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SDA 2012 Skullcandy
HTC与国内知名科技网站ifanr.com合作为最新旗舰机 ONE X 造势. 因为这部机器最大卖点是它功能超强的摄像头, 所以ifanr找到我为这部机器作了一个详细的评测. 我还用这部手机拍摄了一个超慢镜的滑板短片…
The best point-of-sale for HTC One X is the camera. Check the full review video above and the super slow motion skate video be made by One X blow.
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Art Hack Weekend 2012
The Creators Project kicked off Art Hack Weekend in Beijing in partnership with BEIJING MAXPACE. With special support from Open Youthology, they invited 40 artists, engineers, and programmers to join them in running this 48-hour marathon celebrating technology. I am very proud to be invited to the event.
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