我和我太太全珊珊非常荣幸的被选中作为 “2012芬兰革新设计周” 的设计大使在8月前往芬兰参观,交流.这是活动之初的一段简单自我介绍视频.
Shanshan and I are proudly to be a part of “2012 Finland Radical Design Week” as “Mr. & Mrs. Zan”

我们在芬兰的精彩行程来看我们的”革新设计周 Mr.&Mrs Zan 博客”

Radical Design Week

2012芬兰革新设计周是“赫尔辛基 2012世界设计之都”活动的一部分,是芬兰成功参与2010上海世博会、出色展示其文化项目的延续。活动由上海各重要部门共同组织,包括同济大学中芬中心、总领事馆、芬兰国家技术创新局、芬兰贸易协会等。


The Radical Design Week Association builds innovative cooperation between Finland and China by bringing the most creative Finnish and Chinese experts, organizations, cities, universities and companies together to rethink the possibilities for design and to create exciting new opportunities.

The Radical Design Week Association was established together with Radical Design Week, a ten-day exposition of Finnish future-oriented design and innovation. The event organized in fall 2012 was a true landmark of high profile Finnish-Chinese cooperation. RDW2012 showcased inspiring collaborations between Finns and Chinese through a series of over 50 exciting events, thought-provoking workshops, discussions, seminars, tailored events and creatively curated exhibitions with 90 partners.


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