一转眼亚洲最大的室内滑板场-北京Woodward-开业已经三年了, 现在回想起当年开业盛况还是有点不真实的感觉.美国滑板圈的各路大牛都飞跃半个地球来到大兴,职业滑手从Tony Hawk到Ryan Sheckler, 媒体从ESPN到Transworld,还有各大品牌代表…就是比起当年Danny Way飞长城都有过之而无不及, 那个周末的美国滑板圈一定非常安静吧. ESPN当年写了一个长篇报道 – The Shredder’s Libration Army. 三年后再读,个中滋味自己体会吧.
Another perfect example that skateboarding changed my life. Before 2010 I never thought that ESPN would quote me. Skateboarding made it happen. The Shredder’s Libration Army was written by Matt Higgins during the Woodward Beijing grand opening back in 2010. It’s quite interesting to re-read it now 3 years later. Something changed but something never gonna change… Until one day… Skate for your right!
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The Shredder’s Libration Army


KickerPick是我的滑板网站KickerClub.com上的一个视频栏目. 视频都是我自己拍摄剪辑的, 内容围绕滑板及周边 – 产品,店铺,活动,人.最新一期拍的是好朋友,Vans X Vagabond Skateboards职业滑手王汇丰.
My latest video work, introducing one of the best Chinese pro skater, my best friend – Cyres Wang.
KickerPick is a video program on my skateboard website KickerClub.com. All the videos be filmed and edited by myself.

这是 SDA 2012 滑板板面艺术展的最后一站,展览在 Wieden+Kennedy 上海公司楼下的展厅展出。本次从SDA2012的30多块参展作品中精选了12块滑板作品, 另外W+K的创意团队也为展览特别设计了6块全新艺术滑板。
The final stop of SDA (Skate Deck Art) 2012. The show was put in the advertising agency WK Shanghai’s gallery space on the first floor of their office. We picked 12 skate decks to show and the WK creative team also specially designed 6 decks for the show.
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SDA 2012 W+K
