ISPO BEIJING展会将于2014年迎来第十次盛大亮相。为了庆祝进入助推亚洲运动用品市场的第十年,ISPO BEIJING将摄像机镜头对准中国户外、雪类和极限运动行业的代表人物,这十位人物用他们朴实却激励人心的话语,成就了“ISPO十年与你共成长”系列片,以震撼人心的力量鼓舞这个行业的每个人坚持不懈勇敢前进,一同纪念属于自己的“十年”成长与感悟。
Proudly to be featured in the 10 Years with ISPO: ISPO BEIJING Launches 10th Anniversary Videos.
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Tag Archives: interview
The Australian Financial Review Magazine featured Lisa Murray‘s story Shanghai – City in search of a soul in their July issue. Shanshan & I were proud to contribute our opinion about the city in the article.
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AFR July 2013
一转眼亚洲最大的室内滑板场-北京Woodward-开业已经三年了, 现在回想起当年开业盛况还是有点不真实的感觉.美国滑板圈的各路大牛都飞跃半个地球来到大兴,职业滑手从Tony Hawk到Ryan Sheckler, 媒体从ESPN到Transworld,还有各大品牌代表…就是比起当年Danny Way飞长城都有过之而无不及, 那个周末的美国滑板圈一定非常安静吧. ESPN当年写了一个长篇报道 – The Shredder’s Libration Army. 三年后再读,个中滋味自己体会吧.
Another perfect example that skateboarding changed my life. Before 2010 I never thought that ESPN would quote me. Skateboarding made it happen. The Shredder’s Libration Army was written by Matt Higgins during the Woodward Beijing grand opening back in 2010. It’s quite interesting to re-read it now 3 years later. Something changed but something never gonna change… Until one day… Skate for your right!
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The Shredder’s Libration Army
“关于一个滑板人十多年的收藏,关于梦想。开滑板店、开滑板场地、办滑板工厂、拍滑板视频、办滑板网站。收藏狂、归纳狂、归根结底是个滑板梦想狂。 的主人管牧。” – 视频制作: 青年志
One of my interview video be made by China Openyouthology. (with English subtitle)
在北京家里接受芬兰广播电台 Raido86 关于中国滑板的专访: Kiina – rullalautailun taivas? (中国 – 滑板的天空?)
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