Category Archives: VIDEO
BurnUnit 是居住在上海的 Vans 赞助滑手 Jay Meador 的个人胶片摄影展,由 Studio191 为他策划布展,最终在上海知名滑板店 FlyStreetwear 展出。关于展览现场图片报道可以移步
BurnUnit is Jay Meador’s (Vans China AM skater) analog photo exhibition. Produced by Studio191 and exhibited in FlyStreetwear skateshop, Shanghai.
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去年与上海的滑手餐厅 Homies 合作策划的一个滑板视频节目 – 滑板厨房,但是随着 Homies 的关闭节目也流产了,现在也可以把之前拍好的预告片公布出来了。
The “Skate Kitchen” series was something we have been planning together with the Shanghai skater restaurant Homies. But now it ended since Homies has been closed. Here we are sharing the teaser we did before.
ISPO BEIJING展会将于2014年迎来第十次盛大亮相。为了庆祝进入助推亚洲运动用品市场的第十年,ISPO BEIJING将摄像机镜头对准中国户外、雪类和极限运动行业的代表人物,这十位人物用他们朴实却激励人心的话语,成就了“ISPO十年与你共成长”系列片,以震撼人心的力量鼓舞这个行业的每个人坚持不懈勇敢前进,一同纪念属于自己的“十年”成长与感悟。
Proudly to be featured in the 10 Years with ISPO: ISPO BEIJING Launches 10th Anniversary Videos.
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周末去朋友小区里的露天泳池游泳, 因为珊珊还没有学会换气所以就开玩笑说她是”一口气”选手. 其实生活中的很多时刻, 记录下来都是美好的回忆.
Because Shanshan still don’t know how to breath during swimming, I call her “One Breath Swimmer”. Video took by GoPro2 and edited by iMovie.
“芬兰革新设计周”的赞助商之一 – 芬兰航空公司 为我们在赫尔辛基机场拍摄的一段宣传视频.
Mr. and Mrs. Zan, the design ambassadors of Radical Design Week, visited Finland this August. Flying with Finnair from Shanghai to Helsinki and thereafter to Rovaniemi they saw the whole cavalcade of Finnish design. At the beautiful Helsinki-Vantaa airport they got to experience the Finnair and Suvanto Lounges, and got to shop for Marimekko, Iittala and Angry Birds. Check out their journey!
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