上回发了一些单反拍的照片,但在大多数情况下是懒得带相机的或者带了也懒得拿出来拍,手机俨然已经完全取代了卡片相机的位置,成为了人手一部的便携相机。Hawaii 02里的照片都是手机拍的,继续夏威夷之旅。
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Author Archives: Guan Mu
夏威夷州在太平洋的中间,是亚洲和美洲的连接点。夏威夷由8个岛组成,其中 O’ahu 岛是最中心,州首府 Honolulu (火奴鲁鲁,又名檀香山)就在这个岛上。这里也是来夏威夷度假的首选地。其它岛屿没有作太多商业开发,基本保持了原生态。因为我们只有6天时间,所以没有去外岛,只是在 Honolulu 市晒晒太阳,品尝美食。(全文照片无滤镜,无PS)
Hawaii | 01
The Australian Financial Review Magazine featured Lisa Murray‘s story Shanghai – City in search of a soul in their July issue. Shanshan & I were proud to contribute our opinion about the city in the article.
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AFR July 2013
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Tokyo | 01
一转眼亚洲最大的室内滑板场-北京Woodward-开业已经三年了, 现在回想起当年开业盛况还是有点不真实的感觉.美国滑板圈的各路大牛都飞跃半个地球来到大兴,职业滑手从Tony Hawk到Ryan Sheckler, 媒体从ESPN到Transworld,还有各大品牌代表…就是比起当年Danny Way飞长城都有过之而无不及, 那个周末的美国滑板圈一定非常安静吧. ESPN当年写了一个长篇报道 – The Shredder’s Libration Army. 三年后再读,个中滋味自己体会吧.
Another perfect example that skateboarding changed my life. Before 2010 I never thought that ESPN would quote me. Skateboarding made it happen. The Shredder’s Libration Army was written by Matt Higgins during the Woodward Beijing grand opening back in 2010. It’s quite interesting to re-read it now 3 years later. Something changed but something never gonna change… Until one day… Skate for your right!
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The Shredder’s Libration Army
我太太是广告人, 自由撰稿人. 最近刚刚换了新的iPhone5C (之前临时用了几个月 Galaxy S3, 再之前是 iPhone4). 因为她对科技一点也不感冒, 更不会追赶什么数码潮流, 所以她是一个极佳的普通使用者样本. 晚上散步的时候我对她作了一个小采访, 来听听她选择 iPhone5C 的理由. 还有她怎么看 Android 与 iOS, 怎么看 iOS6 与 iOS7, 怎么看 Apple 与 Google.
My wife is a copywriter and freelance writer. She has just switched back to iPhone5C from Galaxy S3. I think she is a perfect example of of a normal customer, not a geek, not a Google fan or Apple fan. I did an interview with her some day after dinner, and tried to find out what made she choose the iPhone5C.
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Why iPhone5C
当年NikeSB除了Dunk就是Dunk(不好意思我一直都无法理解Dunk有什么好看的). 早期的PRod和昙花一现的Omar Salazar签名款也都是大包子鞋. 2009年Janoski签名款一发布马上让人眼前一亮, 简洁轻薄的设计终于彻底摘掉了篮球鞋的影子, 甚至还有点船鞋的意思. 整体感觉更偏lifestyle一些, 这也注定Janoski在随后的几年中一直大卖, 取得了前所未有的成功.
Thanks my best friend Che Lin for make my little wish comes true! Stefan Janoski is my all time fav model of NikeSB and this collaboration between NikeSB X 8Five2 is even the best of best.
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NikeSB Janoski X 8Five2
KickerPick是我的滑板网站KickerClub.com上的一个视频栏目. 视频都是我自己拍摄剪辑的, 内容围绕滑板及周边 – 产品,店铺,活动,人.最新一期拍的是好朋友,Vans X Vagabond Skateboards职业滑手王汇丰.
My latest video work, introducing one of the best Chinese pro skater, my best friend – Cyres Wang.
KickerPick is a video program on my skateboard website KickerClub.com. All the videos be filmed and edited by myself.